October Round-Up! Its Halloween already… its been an amazing 6 weeks back at our schools delivering the popular Explore PE programme and our after school multi sport provision. We have also been delivering our shared education 'Just1' programme.
SHARED EDUCATION -The Just1 programme is our very own shared education programme and has been created to develop and deepen reconciliation between divided communities, increase tolerance and respect and promote community cohesion. Over the last 6 weeks we have been in Caledon delivering our programme with Churchill Primary & St Josephs Primary. The children have been participating in a number of different sports whilst integrating with children from a different school and getting to know one another.
EQUIPMENT GIVEAWAY - We ran our termly equipment giveaway which seen Riverdale Primary win a set of football goals for their school. CONGRATULATIONS!!
COACHING GIVEAWAY - We also ran our free coaching giveaway which seen Kings Park Primary & St Malachy's Primary, Armagh win a free term of coaching starting January 2023. CONGRATULATIONS!!
AFTER SCHOOLS PROGRAMME – The first 6 weeks of our after school programme is now complete. It has been such an enjoyable 6 weeks and we hope your child has enjoyed their time with us. We are excited for the second half of the term after the halloween break.
If you feel like your school could benefit from our Explore PE, After School and Shared Education Programmes, or you simply want to find out more information, then please get in touch via coaching@burnsskillsschool.com To follow our progress and for more updates on the programmes we have to offer, please check out our social media outlets.
